Collaborative Professionals Northern Beaches
Collaborative Professionals Northern Beaches
A successful dispute resolution method which is out of court and under your control
Welcome to Collaborative Professionals Northern Beaches

Collaborative practice is a successful and tested dispute resolution method designed to assist you to stay in control of your own destiny and out of court.
In collaborative practice you and your lawyers make a commitment with the other party and their lawyer to negotiate an agreement using a problem-solving approach and away from the courts.
It is a process that is suitable for the resolution of disputes in many areas, including civil and commercial disputes and is especially applicable to the resolution of both financial and parenting aspects arising from separation and divorce as it can focus on the needs of the particular parties and their children.
The majority of the negotiations will take place at “5 way” face-to-face meetings between the parties, the lawyers and a case manager/coach. Correspondence between lawyers is kept to a minimum. By being present throughout the discussions, the parties retain control and the scope for misunderstandings is reduced. They are assisted in communicating constructively so that wariness gives way to cooperation and they reach a settlement.
During the negotiations, it may be that you are invited to enlist other experts to provide information and advice on specific issues such as from accountants, financial advisers and family child consultants.
Your collaborative lawyer, coach and all other professionals involved are specially trained to utilise their skills in analysis, negotiation and problem solving to help you shape a fair and lasting agreement.